
  1. Ed_D

    Fleck 5600SXT: replacement of Econominder head and change in resin tank size

    Hello, I appreciate the help of the many on this forum in terms of supporting people like me (somewhat clueless homeowner) and our water softener questions. I've gone through many of the posts and I think I have a good idea of what I need to do but would like a second (or third, or fourth...
  2. jfzastrow

    Need a bit of help setting up older Fleck Econominder 5600

    I have an older water softener in my home. I believe it's a Fleck Econominder 5600. It's atop a 9x48 resin tank. As far as I can tell it is still fully functioning, I just want to make sure I have it setup to properly regenerate for my household. I recently cleaned out the entirety of the...