
  1. J

    NR-240A-NG // Low pressure output, not heating, Error Code 38E

    Good Day Experts, I am experiencing low flow and cold water from my NR-240A-NG tankless water heater. I have cleaned the air intake filter (light skim of dust/derbis), drained the water heater, cleaned the cold water inlet filter (it is now somewhat broken/screen in pieces), dirt/mud trap...
  2. Q

    Navien NPE-240A and HotButton - DIP switches and parameters

    Re: Navien NPE-240A, Internal Pump Only, External Recirculation and DIY install of HotButton (PZZZ-00046). The HotButton Installation Manual does not mention DIP switch settings. It specifies one parameter setting: P.12 (HotButton pump cycle time). Q1: Should I leave DIP switches 1, 2 and 3...
  3. CG ANderson

    Navien NPE-240A and NaviCirc paramaters questions...

    A laurel, and hearty hello! This is my first post here on this forum. I hope it isn't premature, as I am still learning. I have done quite a bit of searching here, and have found answers to many of my questions. But I wanted to get some more feedback to further my knowledge. I just had a Navien...
  4. mitch22

    Navien 240A suddenly not as hot in internal recirculating mode

    Works fine with recirculation off, reaches the target temperature. But feels about 20 degrees cooler when I put it in internal recirculating mode. Confirmed the dip switches and valve position. This started a few weeks ago. Cleaned the water filters. Everything else seems to be in working...
  5. Kal

    Navien Intelligent Preheating Setting

    Just had a Navien 240A installed with a thermal bypass valve for recirculation. The dip switches are set to: 1 - ON 2 - ON which are the settings for Intelligent Preheating per the manual. My question is if Parameter 17 (for thermal bypass valve) should be set to On or Off. It is currently set...
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