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  1. N

    Trying to understand my well's water pressure

    Like I said, I'm willing to be convinced, but I'm concerned the goal posts may be moving here. Previous comments and videos I've been referred to haven't made mention of heat dissipation from cycle duration. This is something I haven't heard before and admittedly know little about; if you have...
  2. N

    Trying to understand my well's water pressure

    I've watched the videos. They generally show multiple use cases stacked on top of each other with the assumption that they're all long-running. They never discuss many small uses of water like I've mentioned, and it seems to me most of a family's water usage is going to be done this way. I'm a...
  3. N

    Trying to understand my well's water pressure

    Sure but, as I asked earlier, doesn't the larger tank somewhat defeat the purpose of the CSV? I believe Valveman himself said the same in a previous comment. If I have a 2.5gpm showerhead and a full 86-gallon pressure tank (holding 21.5 gallons of water), the well pump wouldn't kick on until...
  4. N

    Trying to understand my well's water pressure

    I've watched the videos. It's obvious to me that for large uses of water (e.g. a long shower) the CSV will result in fewer cycles of the well pump. However, for frequent small uses of water it seems like the opposite will be true. Imagine someone washes their hands once every 10 minutes, using a...
  5. N

    Trying to understand my well's water pressure

    Alright, I think everyone has collectively convinced me the pressure tank may be waterlogged. Thanks for the explanations there. I currently have a medium sized pressure tank; I'm guessing it's a 32-gallon based on dimensions but there's no markings on it otherwise. I have a family of 5 and...
  6. N

    Trying to understand my well's water pressure

    1. When I drained the pump recently, the air pressure at the tank measured the same as the water pressure gauge. I’ll verify this again tomorrow. 2. Submersible pump. Part of the reason I took the videos is because I’m not 100% sure exactly when the pressure switch engages. In the real-time...
  7. N

    Trying to understand my well's water pressure

    I do not think the pressure tank is waterlogged, but I’m willing to be convinced otherwise. The pressure at the valve stem measures identically to the gauge I recorded, which I’d expect. I recently drained the pressure tank and it measured 38psi when empty as it should. I also released some air...
  8. N

    Trying to understand my well's water pressure

    I purchased a home with a well recently; before this house I've never had well water and have been trying to education myself on how it works. The showers in the house all seem to have poor water pressure and I've been trying to diagnose this. I've showered in homes with well water (my in-laws...
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