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  1. TJanak

    Scala1 3-45 with pressure tank?

    Thanks guys. It makes sense it would work if I added a tank and separate pressure switch to control the pump, but then I might as well use a plain jet/booster pump. Cary, what do you mean by "I think you will have the same problem as they do with the MQ"? Also, what makes you say "The flow...
  2. TJanak

    Scala1 3-45 with pressure tank?

    Plan to boost from an atmospheric tank up to ~50psi. Customer is asking about Scala pumps. I know the Scala1 is NOT variable speed. It will cycle more than I prefer, demand is about 4 gpm constant. Can I run it coupled to a standard pressure tank? Scala1 3-45 specs Grundfos makes no...
  3. TJanak

    Viega Pureflow Press Ball Valve

    Well press, not crimp. But it's probably the same valve just with press ends instead of crimp.
  4. TJanak

    Viega Pureflow Press Ball Valve

    It looks like Viega recently came out with ball valves for their Pureflow Press system. I bought two 1" valves today (Viega 98200) and the passage through the ball appears no larger than 1/2". They call these full port valves; maybe I've misunderstood the meaning of full port. I can't bring...
  5. TJanak

    Navien NPE240A- Navilink,Navilink App, Recirculation settings And Parameters

    I don't know the best place to post this, but i happened to be fiddling around in the NaviLink app on Feb. 1 and it asked to update. The update is not perfect, but seems to be much more user friendly interface. Still appears to have the same "Enable/Disable" terminology. But, they appear to...
  6. TJanak

    Hallmark Installation with Pitless

    Thanks guys. I kind of figured the cap needed to be above grade with wires out of the cap. Cary, can you recommend a pitless module that glues onto the 4" pvc casing? Not looking for frost depth (there is none), just ease of concealment. Reach, yes made sure to order the pump for 4" casing...
  7. TJanak

    Hallmark Installation with Pitless

    Helping family install a 2 HP Hallmark in an older 4" pvc well. 297' total depth, 141' static level. Jetted 20-25 gpm. Plan to set the pump at 200' on 1.25" schedule 80 with stainless couplers. I remember reading it may be good practice to install another check valve immediately above the...
  8. TJanak

    Are tree roots clogging my well?

    You would not have eucalyptus roots 800' deep. I do not believe the tree can build enough tension via transpiration to lift water that high, even with capillary action, adhesion, etc. working in it's favor. So it has no reason to send roots that deep. 40' is believable and 140' would be...
  9. TJanak

    Navien NPE-240A Recirculation Question

    The NaviLink wifi controller will allow you to do this. It cannot be done in the 240A alone, the NaviLink controller is needed.
  10. TJanak

    Brackish water treatment

    Not much to add here except your mention of Spectrapure caught my attention. I've used their RO systems in greenhouses with high TDS water. So when I built a house and needed treatment for high TDS well water, I investigated whole house RO and talked to Spectrapure. The "expert" there (not a...
  11. TJanak

    Quick Connect For Poly Well Line

    Will cam lock fittings hold vacuum well enough? Banjo polypropylene cam lock fittings are used a lot in ag, but I'd question their ability to hold a vacuum for a shallow well. I was thinking some sort of union.
  12. TJanak

    Solar Pump Issues

    Yes, except that in the sequence of events the board was not burnt until after wiring the pump directly to the generator and solar panels for testing, then putting everything back in the correct order and the board was burnt the next day. Would there be a positive and negative wire from the...
  13. TJanak

    Solar Pump Issues

    Sounds like he's going to have the driller come check it out. Shoulder issues so he can't do it and I'm not around to help. Any idea why the board/capacitor is burnt? He said the wires coming from the solar panel are one green and two gray colored, so thought maybe it was possible he hooked...
  14. TJanak

    Solar Pump Issues

    I'm relaying my Dad's story, so I'll try to keep it short and to the point. Solar pump running into 1400 gal cattle trough with float. Thunderstorms come through with pretty good lightning storm. Three days later notice cattle are out of water. Not pumping. Well man says to diagnose, take...
  15. TJanak

    PVC drop pipe: male adapters vs threading the pipe

    I was inexperienced several years ago as you are and was nervous about properly torquing the threaded schedule 80 1" PVC pipe with stainless couplings on my 100' drop pipe. Cary instructed me at the time to tighten until it "pops" as he has in this thread. I was unsure. Assembled the first...
  16. TJanak

    PVC drop pipe: male adapters vs threading the pipe

    Doesn't answer your question, but I buy threaded sch. 80 pipe and SS couplers from a local driller. Might be an option for you.
  17. TJanak

    Sand in well water

    We have a fine sand issue in this area and it seems like the older wells put in with anything over 10 thousandths screen will make sand. I have a couple that do. When I had a new well drilled I ended up using the guy that gravel packed his wells (the second go-around anyways). From what I...
  18. TJanak

    Swapping jet pump for submersible pump + upgrades

    That's how it is done with the old hand dug wells around here (~48" diam.) that have been converted from windmill to submersible. Granted most are 50' or less.
  19. TJanak

    How do you use Nuwell?

    My initial thought is that the static level/pumping level in the majority (probably) of California wells has decreased significantly over the last 10 years.
  20. TJanak

    Taking down a tree in the years with COVID

    I want to know what his plan is after getting all of the branches cut off...
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