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  1. borisf

    Galvanic corrosion?

    Part of our house has been re-plumbed but part still has galvanized piping. Last week. we noticed a small leak from a shut-off valve in a bathroom vanity. Yesterday, we had a pro come out to fix the issue. He diagnosed that the galvanized nipple between the in-wall plumbing and the shutoff...
  2. borisf

    More CFM for cooling vs. heating?

    Makes sense! Thanks.
  3. borisf

    More CFM for cooling vs. heating?

    We're doing a major remodel of our basement and had to rework much of the ducting of our heating system. We have a Bryant 95 furnace. During this time, we also added a Lennox XC16 A/C system. Now that things are up and running, our returns are pulling through substantially more air when cooling...
  4. borisf

    Dedicated outlet for freezer in laundry room = AFCI?

    This is on a permit and will get inspected. Based on this thread, I'm not sure that approach -- while preferable -- would pass.
  5. borisf

    Dedicated outlet for freezer in laundry room = AFCI?

    We're in the process of finishing our basement and are including a dedicated circuit for our fridge in the laundry room. My vague recollection was that this could be on a standard breaker if the outlet trim-out only had room for one plug (vs. a standard outlet with room for two plugs in a...
  6. borisf

    120V outlet in line to 240V heater?

    Thanks for the great discussion everyone. I will wire this normally -- with separate runs for the heater and the outlet -- as I was planning on doing until I had this wacky idea.
  7. borisf

    120V outlet in line to 240V heater?

    I'm planning to add a hard-wired infrared patio heater soon. [Infratech SL-30 if anyone has any feedback on this unit]. It's a 3000W 240V heater and I'm going to add a dedicated 20A 240V breaker for it. The heater location is a ways from the panel (~60 ft.) and it would be very convenient to...
  8. borisf

    Cabling for subpanel

    Yup, the cables are colored but aren't marked individually. I passed inspection this morning, though. The inspector didn't care that they weren't labeled, just that they were large enough for the amperage. So, as far as the city of Seattle is concerned, all is good.
  9. borisf

    Cabling for subpanel

    The insulation on the individual conductors was color coded inside the sheath -- so I'm good there. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying close enough attention and while the conductors were 2ga (stranded copper), the ground was an 8ga or 10ga. Certainly not 4ga as I expected... Oh, well. One more trip...
  10. borisf

    Cabling for subpanel

    Thanks for letting me know re: clamping. They actually had the 2-2-2-4 copper at HD at just over $5/ft. It was cheaper and I figured I could always split out the conductors from the main sheath and so that's my plan.
  11. borisf

    Cabling for subpanel

    I'm going to finish my basement over the next few months and need to add a subpanel as the main 40-slot box is almost full. I'm going to add a 125A 12-slot/24-circuit box directly underneath the main one and connect them with 2-2-2-4 copper. Since the subpanel will be directly beneath the main...
  12. borisf

    Quad breaker in 42 space box?

    I have a 42-space 200A Homeline panel that's almost full (see picture). This panel doesn't support tandem breakers. But... can I put a quad breaker into it (like HOMT2020230CP / per the NEC in place of one of my existing 240v...
  13. borisf

    Leaking tub stopper

    We have a tub stopper as shown in the attached pictures. It doesn't hold water and tub empties pretty quickly if you're trying to take a bath. It's metal on metal against the tub drain and it doesn't look like it's designed to have any kind of rubber seal. Should it? There is threading on the...
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