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  1. John Fritz

    DWV plumbing in an ensuite reno. Redo or patch into the old?

    Thx for the input. I have worked elsewhere and resoldered copper to keep it compact. So understand this concept. I have attached the plan view which might help. yes, the plumbing code is for alberta, canada.
  2. John Fritz

    DWV plumbing in an ensuite reno. Redo or patch into the old?

    I am hoping to get a pro plumber to help me with redoing the plumbing on a 2nd floor 1968-vintage ensuite which includes a sink, toilet and shower. Presently, this group of 3 things feeds a single stack. As well a bath from a bathroom next door feeds the same stack. The reason for posting here...
  3. John Fritz

    Shower drain concern

    I am installing a new shower and was going to adjust the location of the drain and convert it to an ABS shower drain using a horizontal fernco. This seemed like a simple plan at first. However, on closer look at the existing copper shower drain configuration, I am unsure about that plan. The...
  4. John Fritz

    Connecting new ABS toilet flange and shower drain into copper drains

    I was hoping to attach a new ABS shower drain and P-trap, and a new ABS toilet flange to existing copper drains. I was planning on using the Ferno 3001-22 which is 2" to 2" on the shower drain. I was planning on using the Ferno 3007-33 which is...
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