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  1. migraine

    Copper stained toilet flapper...?

    Sorry... I meant 9.1 PH The 180PPM is lower than I expected but the ring it leaves is as if it's a way higher PPM. I did take the TDS at the kitchen sink, I should have done this at toilet/sink in the bathroom where that flapped lived. I'll be there Monday so I retest then. Thanks for your...
  2. migraine

    Casing vs Pump Depth?

    I don't know of any well company that uses bleach, they use chlorine shock. Vinegar, that's a neww one for me. Try watching this guy's YouTube channel and you can message him and he does help out his viewers. Good luck, Brian
  3. migraine

    Copper stained toilet flapper...?

    OK, this is a new one for me... does anyone know how/why this happens and/or do I need to warn my customer about an issue with the copper pipes. Pipes were redone in the last 5-10 years. They water leaves nasty hard water stains. PH is 0.1 and 180ppm. City replaced the water lines(lead was a...
  4. migraine

    1 pc Shower unit....I'm asking this for a friend 500 miles away.

    I have a friend in SanDiego, CA who is in need of a replacement for a failed tub and surround(Bath Fitter type) She wants to replace the tub and enclosure with possibly a 1piece shower unit. Question is, can these one piece shower units (32x60 or 34x60) fit through a 30" doorway with some...
  5. migraine

    new tub install with vent or wet vent

    I'm putting in a handicap type tub for mother in law and existing tub never was "sortof" wet vented and had no trap. The new tub's drain is exactly 5' from the toilet waste stack that drops down to floor of crawlspace. Can I get by with wet venting the new tub or should I try venting it like...
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