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  1. Bigealta

    ID help for older 3 handle tub faucet stem.

    Just a follow up. The valves are leaking again after i put in new washer and seat on the hot side 5 months ago.. The PRV valve is not reducing as it measured the pressure at a bit over 100 psi. Sending a different plumber over there to replace the prv as i'm on the east coast and won't be around...
  2. Bigealta

    Advise for replacing galvanized pipe to painted copper water main.

    Lovin the smooth ball valve and the full drain valve vs. the small bleeders.
  3. Bigealta

    Advise for replacing galvanized pipe to painted copper water main.

    The old valves were still good but added the ball valve anyway. Thanks
  4. Bigealta

    Advise for replacing galvanized pipe to painted copper water main.

    I cut the 6" long galvanized pipe above the elbow. Then unscrewed the cut piece from the elbow fine. Then tried to unscrew the elbow and the nipple turned out some but broke inside the brass T. I was able to use a screw driver to break up the rusted pipe remains on the threads and clean the...
  5. Bigealta

    Advise for replacing galvanized pipe to painted copper water main.

    Yes the short nipple is galvanized, or was. Now its just rusted steel. The nipple is .84OD. The copper is 3/4". And the drip is from the top of the galvanized 90 elbow.
  6. Bigealta

    Advise for replacing galvanized pipe to painted copper water main.

    The 2 shut off valves on both galvanized lines lead to 2 outdoor spigots, 1 in front of the house and the other in the back of the house.
  7. Bigealta

    Advise for replacing galvanized pipe to painted copper water main.

    Hi, first i'd like to express my condolences to Terry's Family and thank them for continuing this site. Terry will be greatly missed. I'm looking for suggestions on how to deal with this very slow drip coming from a galvanized fitting screwed into a painted copper water main. The copper line...
  8. Bigealta

    See you later, not goodbye!

    So sorry to hear this. Terry and others have helped me here and i appreciate it every time. Rest in Peace Buddy!
  9. Bigealta

    Sewer gas smell from cold water tap

    Were you able to fix the problem?
  10. Bigealta

    Replace valves or Packing washers? Laundry room valves.

    Ok will try repacking with Teflon rope and the original washer. But I found a shop that may have the packing washer. They just bought out my favorite old supply house and are working thru the inventory. He says he saw them but doesn't remember exactly where.
  11. Bigealta

    Sewer gas smell from cold water tap

    you can also try increasing water temp in the hot water tank to kill the sulfur bacteria if this is determined to be where the smell is emanating from.
  12. Bigealta

    Sewer gas smell from cold water tap

    When i do the peroxide clean i draw some of it into the Hot water tank by opening up a hot water valve for a few moments. It works for me. And yes most of the sulfur smell comes from the hot side. A Tank flush may also help if you have sediment in bottom. Adding a simple taste/odor filter might...
  13. Bigealta

    Sewer gas smell from cold water tap

    I get that in a rental with a well. I use hydrogen peroxide to Clean the water lines. I have a small house filter that I take the filter out and pour in about 16 oz or so of hydrogen peroxide. Then just open the taps a bit to get it into the lines. let sit for an hour or so. Then flush out by...
  14. Bigealta

    Replace valves or Packing washers? Laundry room valves.

    I do have both graphite and Teflon rope / packing cord, but I was thinking this might split my rubber packing washer crack open more than it is now?
  15. Bigealta

    Replace valves or Packing washers? Laundry room valves.

    Here is a similar packing washer I found but I think this one is to small. And mine is black rubber I believe.
  16. Bigealta

    Replace valves or Packing washers? Laundry room valves.

    I'm having trouble locating the domed stepped packing washers for these water valves in my laundry room. They both leaked out the stems. I replaced the seat washers and wrapped some Teflon tape around the stems and added a bit of Teflon paste where the stem and top of packing washer met. This...
  17. Bigealta

    Old Brass overflow drain with locking nubs, how to stop leaks?

    Update. After checking shower head arm connection in wall cavity (which was dry), Replacing old dripping shower head with new one that does not drip down onto handle and tub spout, removing Moen Chateau handle and face plates to clean and inspect (no water marks behind plate or on mixing valve)...
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