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  1. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    Wow!!! That was 2 years before I was born. Lol. That's a good thing. I still want the cistern as well to catch rainwater but I see that adding the bladder style pressure tank and then the cycle stop valve can be a great combination to the pump system.
  2. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    Thank you sooo much!!! I'm glad I came here as am learning new things and gaining knowledge. It's misinformation in my local area that I'm being told that makes me angry. So correct me if I'm wrong this all still leads back to still getting the cycle stop valves and converting to a bladder style...
  3. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    No. I wish I did. Its a top view of the pump. Those are the only two pics that my well guy had sent to me but they are of the same pump.
  4. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    This is good to know about the cycle stop valves!!! Here's are some pics from the last pump that went bad.
  5. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    I'm not familiar with chlorination systems but what kinds of chlorine would I need to place into the tank? Also would pump system be necessary or me manually adding the chlorine in the tank?
  6. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    The last well pump the top had blew off. I can see if i can find some pictures the last well guy sent to me. Also I've been looking up cycle stop valves and I've been seeing mixed reviews about them.
  7. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    1. OK. That's good to know. A shallow water well pump will do the trick correct? 2. For the process of making the rainwater free of any harmful bacteria and chemicals I plan to have a whole house filter coupled with a UV filter if that will get rid of it. I also plan to have screens and leaf...
  8. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    1. OK. That's good to know. A shallow water well pump will do the trick correct? 2. For the process of making the rainwater free of any harmful bacteria and chemicals I plan to have a whole house filter coupled with a UV filter if that will get rid of it. I also plan to have screens and leaf...
  9. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    Thanks for your insight I never thought about changing the tank and installing a Cycle Stop Valve.
  10. J

    Rainwater cistern as a supplement to private well options?

    Good Afternoon everyone, I just found this site as I am looking for a solution. For my problem. I inherited some land and a home from my dad after he passed away in 2016. Since then my well problems have been worse and worse. He had it drilled in 1995 and it's 250 feet deep with plenty of iron...
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