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  1. ditttohead

    Regen Frequency

    We would need to see a complete water report.
  2. ditttohead

    Fleck 5600 SXT 64,000

    My Fleck unit shows .50 GPM / 1.5 LB Salt/MIN. on controller. DF - GAL VT - DF 1b CT - fd NT - 1 C - 48 H - 5 RS - rc RC - 00 DO - 28 RT - 3:00am BW - 5 BD - 60 RR - 4 BF - 11 FM - P0.7 Confirm you have a paddle wheel meter, not the turbine, see pic The softener did not go out because of...
  3. ditttohead

    Can advise me on how to refill neutralizer- calcite and flo mag

    Send a picture of your system so we can assist. Also need the make of the tank manufacturer. It will be on the sticker on the mineral tank.
  4. ditttohead

    Issues with upflow uranium/water softener system

    Sorry all, it has been the busiest year of my life and finding time to post regularly here is difficult to say the least. I know many of the regulars here know me well, but this has been kept very quiet for over 2 years while we finalize it...
  5. ditttohead

    Arsenic Removal

    This would have been an ideal application for a combo system, anion/cation with arsenic selective anion resin... Other reduction methods are available but since you already have the need for a softener this would have been a good choice.
  6. ditttohead

    No water after softener install

    Triple check the flow direction, run the system through a couple of complete regenerations. What system do you have?
  7. ditttohead

    Need help deciding on right component for the system

    Lots to unpack but in general, municipal water with iron... the iron will typically be in the ferric state (solids) so simple physical filtration is usually adequate. Shoot me an email and I can go into greater detail... Blending certain medias can be an acceptable solution so long as the media...
  8. ditttohead

    Replacing non backwashing Clack valve with Fleck manual backwashing valve?

    Stick with name brand ball valves or from very reputable source. One of my favorite companies...
  9. ditttohead

    Iron filter for whole house including irrigation

    We need to see a real, up to date complete water report in order to be able to even begin to guide you on a proper treatment method. Obviously, the softener is inadequate and improper since you are getting iron bleed by...
  10. ditttohead

    Clack Drain Line Leaking at Polytube Elbow/Nut (new unit)

    If you are using the supplied nut, that is designed for PX tubing,. not soft tubing.
  11. ditttohead

    2510SXT Katalox Filter AIO - Air Intake Weak/Not Working

    AIO and bacteria is a bad combo and should never be mixed... AIO3 is barely acceptable and can reduce problems but chlorine injection or ozone injection is recommended at minimum with some contact time.
  12. ditttohead

    High iron (12ppm) and high Manganese (.44ppm)and slightly acidic water (6.5)

    Raising the pH through soda ash injection is very simple, send me an email and I will send you over instructions on how to do it. Removing iron with low pH outside of a traditional ion exchange can be difficult. I would also recommend H2o2 over chlorine assuming you have no bacterial issues...
  13. ditttohead

    Caresoft Elite says check salt

    Post a picture of your unit please, thanks!
  14. ditttohead

    Apologies for a Repair/Replace question

    The unit you inquired about is a cheap knockoff... do not waste money on it. Can you post a picture of your existing system.
  15. ditttohead

    Brown rust in bottom of salt tank, water softener

    I would recommend rebedding the softeners media due to the potential for bacterial issues. Clean and sanitize the brine tank, mineral tank etc... post a picture of the system so we can let you know if it worth the time and effort.
  16. ditttohead

    GE Genesis Premier Softener- Hard Water

    Personally most would consider that a disposable softener not worth repairing. You could start throwing parts at it and it may be something simple but i do not know of any technicians that would even touch that unit.
  17. ditttohead

    Clack 125 steady leak

    New seal/spacer/piston, brine piston should fix this, likely a damaged seal, replace all the parts, they are reasonably priced and easy to replace.
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