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  1. Plumbledon

    American Standard Cadet: quality control problem or design?

    Thanks for the feedback, I guess it's hard to square that with the marketing they do with the "Everclean" coating they're supposed to have on the bowl, but on one of the areas that's harder to keep clean, there's no glaze at all? I checked a couple at HD and Lowe's and all the ones I checked...
  2. Plumbledon

    American Standard Cadet Pro

    6 years later, I've had the same issue, but from big box (guess that doesn't surprise anybody) a Cadet 3 and a Cadet Ovation from HD. Didn't see pitting but terrible glazing job on the flush chamber and in the rim jet area, guess they don't care to fix this kind of problem.... quality control...
  3. Plumbledon

    American Standard Cadet: quality control problem or design?

    Any comments? There should be glaze on the rim jet area yeah? I've see a couple screen shots here and there on the web where maybe that's not the case, i just have a hard time believing that's normal or acceptable?
  4. Plumbledon

    American Standard Cadet: quality control problem or design?

    Thanks for the alternatives, I'll look into those. But as for these AS's here, the rim jet area just blew me away, so perfectly missing, on both toilets, and it's one of the areas that gets gross over time. I'm not crazy right, there SHOULD be a nice coat of glazing in these areas yes?
  5. Plumbledon

    American Standard Cadet: quality control problem or design?

    On a quest of a decent toilet (two) that doesn't break the bank, wasn't happy with Kohler quality control so tried American Standard Cadet series, there's one in the house already from prior owner, I like the flush and simple flapper design that you can adjust. Got a Cadet 3 and a Cadet Ovation...
  6. Plumbledon

    unexpected toilet flange waste pipe connection

    I really like the looks of these (from Reach4's post): Since it often seems to be the failure point, and the reason I had to go to some much "trouble" here, after installing the 4in riser pipe I'm inclined to get one of these to put in it.. Any opinions from the seasoned folks here? That gasket...
  7. Plumbledon

    unexpected toilet flange waste pipe connection

    Thanks, yeah this is exactly the plan, fill it in and tapcon a proper stainless 4in flange. I think this is exactly the reason it didn't work for this particular fitting. I could see the play and was suspicious - visually the difference between this bushing wall thickness and standard 4 pipe is...
  8. Plumbledon

    unexpected toilet flange waste pipe connection

    Getting there...was able to spend some more time on it this this weekend, I decided to get down to the 4in fitting and do it proper. Had to remove just a little bit of concrete to get clearance around the fitting. I chipped out the 3in part of the bushing (pic1), got a 4in "socket saver" (pic2)...
  9. Plumbledon

    unexpected toilet flange waste pipe connection

    Thanks for the feeback, so would you say that 3/4in of surface (where the bushing is damaged in picture above, everywhere else there's still 1.5in) is ok to glue a new piece of pipe?
  10. Plumbledon

    unexpected toilet flange waste pipe connection

    OK having done some poking around it looks like what's down there is one of these: ...a 4-3 flush bushing, then they used a piece of 3in as a interior coupling to one of those inside/outside hub flanges over the 3in piece of pipe: Must have gone that way because of the shallow depth of the...
  11. Plumbledon

    unexpected toilet flange waste pipe connection

    Thanks for the input - yeah the bushing goes immediately to a 90deg elbow into the horizontal. There's a bit of a shelf at that joint (bushing to elbow) about 3/8in but there's a bit of a beveled lip on the bushing down there so dimensionally it's less than 3/8. You can just barely see the edge...
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