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  1. S

    New Kohler Santa Rosa Clogging Issues...

    There is a clear path to the roof however it's not straight up vertical. Most of the vent pipe is laying horizontal in the attic space except for the vertical pipes running down inside the wall and up through the roof. Trying to clean the vent pipe or run an inspections camera down through there...
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    New Kohler Santa Rosa Clogging Issues...

    I don't think so. I called Kohler today and they suspect a possible venting issue and said these new low flow toilets need good venting to work properly. There are no plumbing roof vents on the front side of my home where this bathroom is located, most likely due to aesthetic reasons when the...
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    New Kohler Santa Rosa Clogging Issues...

    I recently installed a new Kohler Santa Rosa K-30812 continuous clean toilet in the 2nd floor master bathroom. We used it during the first week after installation and it flushed fine, but it was mostly liquids and a few small "loads". But when the first "mother load" came along it went down but...
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    Kohler K-30812 Santa Rosa Underside Cavity Dimension..?

    Just to follow up...I reached out to Kohler again today and they actually pulled the print for the Santa Rosa toilet and said it has at least 1" of underside cavity height. I also consulted Toto about the Ultramax II and all they said was it will work with my ABS flange height. My plan is to...
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    Kohler K-30812 Santa Rosa Underside Cavity Dimension..?

    Thanks for the response Breplum...! I saw those plastic spacers but not ready to go down that path just yet. I replaced the ABS flange on the first floor half-bath toilet with the same kind in your picture, which worked fine with the Glacier Bay toilet, along with a section of rotten sub-floor...
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    Kohler K-30812 Santa Rosa Underside Cavity Dimension..?

    Hello...! Does anyone here know the bottom rim / underside cavity clearance dimension for the Kohler K-30812 toilet? The ABS toilet flange in my 1974 built home is sitting flat on top of the tile floor with no space gaps, and the ABS flange thickness height from the floor to the top flange...
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