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  1. ctuck

    Sump pump discharge pipes noisy

    Thanks for the suggestions - will try the easy ones first and see what happens.
  2. ctuck

    Sump pump discharge pipes noisy

    Reach4, Yes, I do have a check valve - it's screwed directly on to the pump and then has a flexible coupling that you tighten with a screwdriver to attach to PVC so I'd have to move the check valve higher to make that work. I'll put this on my list to try. I'll also try some of the long sweep...
  3. ctuck

    Sump pump discharge pipes noisy

    This weekend, I rerouted my sump pump discharge to another side of my house (it was discharging to the driveway and causing issues). When I filled the basin with the garden hose to test the discharge, the water in the pipes is very noisy and making swooshing and glugging sounds for 1-2 minutes...
Hey, wait a minute.

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