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  1. MatGyver

    Piston pump issue

    What do you recommend? I have always been told there should be flexible hose to and from the piston due to the vibration?!
  2. MatGyver

    Piston pump issue

    Lots of's still full at the point side of the pump. There has to be a seal in the pump that is stuck or something. My a rebuild. Working perfectly when it is though...just had a nice long shower!?
  3. MatGyver

    Piston pump issue

    Pump kicks on, but only pushes air. The point side is still full of water, tank side is all air!
  4. MatGyver

    Piston pump issue

    That is just a bad angle, it's almost dead level from point to pump. Also doesn't explain where the water is going from the entire system.
  5. MatGyver

    Piston pump issue

    These are the questions...full water from the point to pump...but air after...and I have no idea where that water is going?
  6. MatGyver

    Piston pump issue

    Also the pump was still running...just building air pressure in the system
  7. MatGyver

    Piston pump issue

    Hey all, thanks in advance for any and all advice! Here at my cottage in Ontario, we pull from a sand point with a piston pump into a tank which ends up just over half water to air and then up an approximately 15' vertical rise to the cottage system. This system has worked for 30+ years with...
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