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  1. ChainsawLullaby

    Sump pump loud “pouring” noise after each cycle...normal? (with video)

    I don’t know where it goes. I assume it goes down to tie into combined sewer line. Abandoning isn’t a practical option so will start with a camera inspection. Is there any world in which they would’ve also tied the inlet pipe into the sewer directly VS funneling to the pit? I can’t imagine...
  2. ChainsawLullaby

    Sump pump loud “pouring” noise after each cycle...normal? (with video)

    It is much higher than the water level/where the float switch triggers. I’m wondering why water would come out of it only immediately after a pump and discharge cycle since the inlet pipe and discharge pipe should not be connected to each other.
  3. ChainsawLullaby

    Sump pump loud “pouring” noise after each cycle...normal? (with video)

    Update: the plot thickens! Opened up the pit. Here’s what it looks like: The brand new 1/2 pump is working well, albeit short cycling more than is ideal at the moment. The check valve (vertical, green) seems to be doing its job. The pit is filling up...
  4. ChainsawLullaby

    Sump pump loud “pouring” noise after each cycle...normal? (with video)

    That may be true for some homes. It wasn’t true for mine last year when we had much more rain. Plus, I’ve since improved my downspout drainage. That, plus the excessive back flow, tells me it’s probably pumping mote than it should be. Here’s the corrected video with sound if you’re curious...
  5. ChainsawLullaby

    Sump pump loud “pouring” noise after each cycle...normal? (with video)

    I will investigate this - thanks! I’d be surprised if a plumber messed this up, but maybe I shouldn’t be. Would a spring check valve also solve the issue? If so, is it also quiet enough to not do the loud bang thing like some check valves apparently do? What would be the correct position of...
  6. ChainsawLullaby

    Sump pump loud “pouring” noise after each cycle...normal? (with video)

    You’re misunderstanding what I’ve written. When the pump runs, it runs (i.e., completes 1 cycle) in about 5-6 seconds. It does not complete a full cycle and start a new cycle 5 seconds later. It starts 1 new 5-6 second cycle every few minutes or every few hours.
  7. ChainsawLullaby

    Sump pump loud “pouring” noise after each cycle...normal? (with video)

    Updated with correct video in my original post! You can now hear the extent of the loud pouring sound. Answering a few questions: The check valve was installed right near the pump in the pit. The discharge pipe goes straight horizontally into the floor/wall, and I assume into the combined...
  8. ChainsawLullaby

    Sump pump loud “pouring” noise after each cycle...normal? (with video)

    Thanks. But I actually hear nothing at all - not even a drip - from the inlet pipe. At any time. So maybe that means there are drilled holes in the bottom and it’s lower groundwater, not water coming in from the perimeter. The pipe doesn’t discharge outside as far as I can tell. I believe it’s...
  9. ChainsawLullaby

    Sump pump loud “pouring” noise after each cycle...normal? (with video)

    Hi plumbing pros. A very wet Seattleite here, very stumped by my sump pump. I have an 1920s home with a fully finished basement and an interior perimeter drain system, including a covered submersible sump pump system tucked away under tile/slab and behind my clothes dryer. All done by previous...
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