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  1. N

    Shower and toilet on same vertical drain?

    Intriguing idea! Thanks. As it happens other issues have raised their unwanted heads. My crawl space is only about 24" (!@&?) and so there isn't enough vertical room either for the original stack I'd drawn or (I think) for you idea, as the combo wye takes up 11" vertical by itself, and the...
  2. N

    Shower and toilet on same vertical drain?

    I had read the wet vent part of the pdf you sent a link to. When I read this (page 58): "Any two fixtures may be combined in this type of installation, but the higher fixture drain may not serve a water closet." I thought a shower could be the "higher fixture" and the lower fixture could be a...
  3. N

    Shower and toilet on same vertical drain?

    Is it OK for the shower to be on the same vertical drain/vent line as the toilet? Seems risky, if toilet clogs. Could back up into shower. But I can't figure out any other way to vent the shower. The shower line is the 2" blue one. The toilet stack is 3". My apologies if this is a...
  4. N

    Shower and toilet on same drain?

    I've read online that it's ok for the shower and toilet to be on the same vertical drain/vent pipe. Seems risky, if the toilet clogs. But I can't figure out any other way to drain/vent the shower. I've attached a file showing what I'm thinking of doing. The shower line is 2", the stack is...
  5. N

    Shower and Toilet on same vertical drain

    I found several places online that say it's OK to have a shower share a drain with a toilet, as long as the shower drain enters the stack above the toilet. Is this really correct? Might the toilet back up into the shower if the toilet was clogged? I've attached a diagram showing what i'm...
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