
  1. D

    Brine well tube crack

    Hey all, just purchased a whirlpool water softener from an auction and the brine well tube is cracked as you can see in the picture. Is there an easy way to fix this? Could I just buy a cheap 4" tube and put some slots in at the bottom?
  2. OtherFWord

    Help Selecting Water Softener System

    I am looking to replace my gold series Culligan with something else. I am leaning towards Fleck but open to other options. Culligan came out and recommended to replace my current with an HE1 10". The pricing was just outrageous. I have been looking at the Fleck 5600SXT, 5810SXT and the 5810...
  3. Steveo1966

    Salt Level & Brine concentration / saturation

    I generally keep the salt level in my Clack WS1 unit above the water level which is recommended. However, every couple years, I like to run the salt down to near empty to make sure there is no bridging and also clean out any sediment from the brine tank. Currently the water level is probably...
  4. bombay63

    Water softener float valve stuck in up position

    I have 48000 grain Fleck 5600 SXT water softener about one year old. I see that after the BD cycle the float valve is stuck in up position. I also did not see water being drawn into softener during BD cycle since the water level in Brine tank never went down. During the BF cycle there is no...
  5. Epistemology

    Kinetico Question

    I have a 2060 dual tank kinetico system made in 2008. I'm trying to see if the unit is operating correctly as it appears my post-softened water seems a bit salty than normal. I broke down the control head today, save the gear assemblies on the very top of the unit. After inspection and...
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