
  1. Michaelg3

    Wanting to make some changes to water system but have questions

    I have a 39' deep 6" casing well with an existing Goulds 1/2 hp 230 volt submersible pump. Not sure where the pump is sitting at this point but the static level was measured at 8' with an airtest showing 30 plus gpm with 15' draw down after 1 hour in the ecology well report 19 years ago. Pump...
  2. David Andruczyk

    Replace kinetico heads with different style, possible?

    I have an old Kinetico Model 60 (dual tank) that came with the house we purchased last year. It's about 17 years old. I found it wasn't worked shortly after we moved in and spent many hours, cleaning and rebuilding the entire unit including scrubbing out the brine tank (the previous owner used...
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