
  1. mika123

    Rainsoft RO system

    Hello, The other day I had someone come replace my Rainsoft RO water filter (which I had only for 3 years). He mentioned it is outdated and the filters are hard to change and that he just put a new RO system in his house where you can change the filters yourself easily. He says it is called...
  2. H

    House came with Rain Soft system

    So… my fiancé and I just realized yesterday that we have a Rain Soft system on the side of our house. We’ve been here for a little over a year and when we moved in we were never told that it was out there (it’s encased in a storage box) and/or how to use it and maintain it. It’s obvious it...
  3. Haans249

    Need Rainsoft EC4 Control Panel

    Hello, Posting in the hope of finding someone who may have a working EC4 panel for a 100 V system they would be willing to part with (for some $’s of course). Parts don’t exist unless you pay the monopoly price directly from a rainsoft dealer. Thank you!
  4. gt213

    Help with water softener system in new house

    I recently moved into a new house that is on a well and has a water softener system installed - this is my first experience with one and i'm hoping to get some pointers on how to make sure it is setup and running correctly. I've attached some photos of what i think are the relevant parts...
  5. Ablewater

    Clean and restart Gold series Rainsoft ... Help

    So I accidentally introduced a bunch of gunk into my tank of my Gold series Rainsoft water conditioner. Ugh. I have now cleaned out everything from the tank ... Water, salt pellets, and gunk. My system has a single tank with a control box on top. Cannot find any other identifying marks or...
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