Driving licenses for immigrants

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Ian Gills

Senior Robin Hood Guy
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I have been boiling up about this all week.

I was not allowed to renew my driving license by mail because the DMV "does not have a social security number on file for me" and they don't issue new licenses without proof of legal residence. So I had to go down there in person and join the queue.

This is ridiculous and stupid on just so many levels, that I do not know where to start.

But I will start.

First, it is ridiculous that social security numbers are used for things they are not supposed to be. Credit checks, utilities and now this. We should all refuse to give these numbers except for things they are meant to be given for.

Secondly, refusing to issue new driving licenses to illegals is dumb. It is dumb because the alternative is for them to drive without a license and without insurance. And then what happens when they hit someone? Jail, yes. But no insurance payout for the injured either. Stupid.

Thirdly, they do renew licenses for illegals that already have one. Except if you can't provide a social, they print something on your DL saying as such and that it is not "valid for Federal purposes". What the heck does that mean? Stupid.

Finally, why are there such crazy queues at the DMV? Taxpayers should pay so that the service can be made larger and more efficient like in Europe.

Immigration is a mess in this country. Either allow illegals to stay or don't and stop messing about and making people's lives difficult.
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DIYer, not in the trades
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NW Ontario, Canada
My wife and I like to cross country ski in Minnesota but the agent of the DNR refuses to sell us a trail permit because we can't produce an American SIN. In Canada our SIN cannot be used for ID.


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Well, the illegals probably do not have insurance anyway, for how can they register the car with the state, eh. When they bought the car they would had to pay sales tax, are they going to pay that. Most of the time, the cars are not legal, I would bet.

Secondly, I hope when someone wants a drivers license here, that they would be required to take an exam, written, verbal, and on the road. Just like we do.

I agree only about the useage of the SS# but, when you get big govn like you want, this is what you all get. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too.

Immigration is a mess, because we can't afford to keep them all here, and you want us to pay even more, you just don't get it.

So far, as LLIgetfa, I would let you ski anywhere, lol. :)


DIYer, not in the trades
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NW Ontario, Canada
Since they won't let me buy a permit, I ski for free... their loss. I spend lots of money in Minnesota and pay enough in sales tax to more than make up for it.

Maybe I will get arrested and deported.

Ian Gills

Senior Robin Hood Guy
Reaction score
I'm coming slowly to the conclusion that they do not deport because, like everything else here, the American taxpayer doesn't want to put his hand in his pocket to pay for the flight back.

If they can't keep the bridges and roads intact, little chance they'll be buying plane tickets.


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Why would we have to pay their fare back?
Maybe, with less expenses we could fix the bridges and roads. Money only goes so far, the pocket does have a bottom.

Right now, I could contribute, a piece of lint & a paperclip.

Ian Gills

Senior Robin Hood Guy
Reaction score
The problem is that the more wealthy in American society do not pay enough in tax.

That's fine when property values are rising.

But when they're not, it's time for them to cough.

And they will.


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We didn't pay for those to illegally come into our country, we should not pay their fare back, nor, even the rich americans.

I love my country and I love everything about it.

What I don't understand is the fact I never hear you say a bad word about yours.

Since, you have said multitudes of bad things about my country list, 20 bad things about yours.
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DIY scratch-pad engineer
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200 miles south of Little Rock
We didn't pay for those to illegally come into our country, we should not pay their fare back ...
So, they should be held in jail until they have saved up enough money to prove they have their own ticket for going back?!

... it is ridiculous that social security numbers are used for things they are not supposed to be. Credit checks, utilities and now this. We should all refuse to give these numbers except for things they are meant to be given for ...
That actually can be done, but it is very difficult and does not always lead to things being just like they are "for everyone else". In the end, the matter of the SSN is tied to global economics and "government control" in the sense of people's earning capacities and finances being offered as chattel for loans, and that means everybody must be numbered.


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I don't know Lee, you tell me. WHAT is YOUR solution Lee?

So, they should be held in jail until they have saved up enough money to prove they have their own ticket for going back?!

That actually can be done, but it is very difficult and does not always lead to things being just like they are "for everyone else". In the end, the matter of the SSN is tied to global economics and "government control" in the sense of people's earning capacities and finances being offered as chattel for loans, and that means everybody must be numbered.

Ian Gills

Senior Robin Hood Guy
Reaction score
I love my country and I love everything about it.

What I don't understand is the fact I never hear you say a bad word about yours.

Since, you have said multitudes of bad things about my country list, 20 bad things about yours.

Some bad things about England:

1) the weather.

2) college education: students now have to pay up to $15,000 ($5,000 per year) for a three-year university course whereas before the Government would pay all tuition fees.

3) prescritpion charges: while all prescription drug fees are paid for by the taxpayer, people now have to pay a flat fee of $10 every time they pick up a prescription drug order (unless they are over 65 and then the fee is waived).

4) speed cameras (coming to America soon).

5) drinking hours: bars must close by 11pm.

6) Gun control. Farmers are allowed to own shotguns. No-one should be allowed to own a gun.

7) Dentistry. Most dentistry is private (except for children) but unlke in the US there is no real insurance coverage for it. So all expenses tend to be out of pocket.

8) MOTs: Every car over four years old in England must have a safety inspection at a garage every year. This means you don't find old, cheap cars driving around like you do in America where safety inspections are only done once when the car is purchased. I drive a car in the US that I probably would not be allowed to drive in England and it saves me a lot of bucks being allowed to drive an old rusty clunker.
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Reaction score
Ian, my dear friend, no one's weather is perfect because we all share the same world! Ian, we pay at least 15 grand a year in a university, the cheap ones. My prescription copay is exactly, 12 bucks... ? you are complaining about this? Ian, that is dirt cheap to get well. We got speed camera, and those things can and will save lives especially, for those who drink and drive to and from the bars. Bars should close at 11, what is wrong with that? Does anyone need to drink to all the wee hours of the morning? then, jump in the car and get filmed killing someone? or wrapping their car around a tree. Back to the guns. Too bad you don't realize that sticks and stones may break your bones but, they aren't going to do much in protecting your life or those of your loved ones. You want to watch your wife being raped and throw stones at him? Or, you think you can beat up a couple guys protect your wife and kids, eh. It happens, you may not like hearing it but I can assure you it happens. We only have private dental as well. So suck it up.

That is not even near 20, and no "real" complaints about your homeland. Not like you do against my country. Not even near it.


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OMG, you are ignorant of things in the US. In my state any car, any age, gets a mandatory state and emission inspection or, OR, the car will be towed off he street and you will be fined. Nice enough fine to please you.

It depends on the state. I know, their are a few, like Ohio that doesn't.

Even in NZ, they have what is a called, a warranty fitness. Same thing as a state inspection. Making sure the car is safe for on the road.

Read up on it. You must live in a state which doesn't require it.

So, you are back to #7.


DIY Senior Member
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Long Island, NY
Some bad things about England:

1) the weather.

2) college education: students now have to pay up to $15,000 ($5,000 per year) for a three-year university course whereas before the Government would pay all tuition fees.

3) prescritpion charges: while all prescription drug fees are paid for by the taxpayer, people now have to pay a flat fee of $10 every time they pick up a prescription drug order (unless they are over 65 and then the fee is waived).

4) speed cameras (coming to America soon).

5) drinking hours: bars must close by 11pm.

6) Gun control. Farmers are allowed to own shotguns. No-one should be allowed to own a gun.

7) Dentistry. Most dentistry is private (except for children) but unlke in the US there is no real insurance coverage for it. So all expenses tend to be out of pocket.

8) MOTs: Every car over four years old in England must have a safety inspection at a garage every year. This means you don't find old, cheap cars driving around like you do in America where safety inspections are only done once when the car is purchased. I drive a car in the US that I probably would not be allowed to drive in England and it saves me a lot of bucks being allowed to drive an old rusty clunker.

Not familiar with rules in other states, but NY state requires each and every motor vehicle to get a safety inspection and be tested on a dynomometer tester for excessive fuel emissions. The fist year of a new car gets a waiver on the emissions test.


General Engineering Contractor
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northfork, california
First, it is ridiculous that social security numbers are used for things they are not supposed to be. Credit checks, utilities and now this. We should all refuse to give these numbers except for things they are meant to be given for.

Secondly, refusing to issue new driving licenses to illegals is dumb. It is dumb because the alternative is for them to drive without a license and without insurance. And then what happens when they hit someone? Jail, yes. But no insurance payout for the injured either. Stupid.

Thirdly, they do renew licenses for illegals that already have one. Except if you can't provide a social, they print something on your DL saying as such and that it is not "valid for Federal purposes". What the heck does that mean? Stupid.

Thats pretty simple: they cant buy guns and vote. You should be thrilled.

6) Gun control. Farmers are allowed to own shotguns. No-one should be allowed to own a gun.

You had a run on farmers holding up pubs and shops lately with shot guns? What do they shoot? The only predators left in England are street gangs, skinheads and rabbits, which restrict mayhem to carrots.

I'll bet your gents still walk with the canes with pistols in the head from the good old days. Everyone needs one.

And if you are legally working here, you get a SS number otherwise they cannot collect your taxes.

I think in Ca. the illegals can get normal drivers licences. Then they buy fake SS cards.

In about an hour you can find a wife on-line, maybe a bit elephantine, and get all the cards you need.
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General Engineering Contractor
Reaction score
northfork, california
Not familiar with rules in other states, but NY state requires each and every motor vehicle to get a safety inspection and be tested on a dynomometer tester for excessive fuel emissions. The fist year of a new car gets a waiver on the emissions test

And you guys think California is strict? You can drive a smoker with the bumper zip tied on and a door missing around here. No tests ever, except at a sale for smog. Some crazy counties might test. You might get a few random safety check roadblocks. Or sobriety.

Basically we have too many cars to set up a test infrastructure, and too many goof balls that would never show up, or could not.
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Tom Sawyer

In the Trades
Reaction score
I lived in Michigan a few years back. No inspections whatsoever. You were expected to keep you vehicle in inspectable condition though few actually did. Bars in Indiana closed for an hour at 4:00 AM so they could scrape the puke off the floor. If they pulled you over for drunk driving, they told you to go home.


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Too many people on the road period. So, it should only be those who are legally in our country. Those who are not, no license should be given.

Too many drunk drivers, ask any MADD MOM,
http://www.madd.org/drunk-driving/ so, how wise it is to increase the hours of the bars, just to increase those drunk behind the wheel on the road.

One would think, the state wouldn't need to impose a state inspection but, their are those who won't think if they need new brakes, or tires, etc. Because of those people, the state has to enforce what is the right thing to do.

Before my 89 year old neighbor, stopped driving I drove with him. WOW, that was scary. We did 15 MPH on a 45/55Mph zone. We were nearly, in our own lane and his hands were shaking. (AS well as mine) my heart was racing.

I was sad when he told later, he lost his license, he couldn't drive anymore, but I told him, he should be glad because of all the nuts on the road. He is a wonderful man, kind of like a dad to me all these years. It was sad.
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