Search results

  1. mwinnick

    Proper Vinyl Pan Install

    My plumber installed the vinyl shower pan. After I noticed that the bottom is not all flat on the floor but rounded at the inside corners, so the pan is really shaped like a bowl. If you try to push in at the bottom near the burb you cannot get the vinyl to touch the floor. In some places the...
  2. mwinnick

    New Pan Installed

    I'm redoing my shower. Everything was torn out and rebuilt and the plumber has reinstalled a liner for the pan. But, the liner was laid right over the concrete slab and fastened to the drain, and up the sides. My question is this. The plumber says I don't need a pre-slope mud bed put in first...
  3. mwinnick

    Shower Floor Leak Inside

    I have a cultured marble shower. The floor is a solid piece. I have caulked the floor edges all around a number of times and unless I am just not doing it right after a few months, or sometimes a few weeks water comes out from under the caulked area (I use Silicone II). Nothing leaks outside the...