Recent content by Paul J Burkhardt

  1. Paul J Burkhardt

    Kinetico S150 XP adjustment help

    Adjusting the accudial on a Kinetico water softener will not make your water "Less Soft". That is simply not how a water softener works. A properly working water softener will remove all hardness from your water until the resin is unable to remove anymore. The "Accudial" on a Kinetico water...
  2. Paul J Burkhardt

    Can a brine tank be too small?

    The smaller brine tank should work just fine. Basically, a brine tank is just a container to hold the salt that the water softener needs to regenerate its water softener resin. Using a smaller sized brine tank should only mean that you will have to fill the tank more often.
  3. Paul J Burkhardt

    Reverse Osmosis ( Aquasana)

    You may want to reconsider buying this reverse osmosis system. It is NOT as much of a bargain as it looks. I looked at the replacement filters which they recommend changing every 6 months at the cost of $64.99 and membrane for the system which they want you to change every 6 months for the cost...
  4. Paul J Burkhardt

    Hague Water Softener leak.

    I know that it's been a while since this thread started, but for anyone else having this problem, grab a flashlight and look underneath the connections where your plumbing meets the water softener fittings. The seal that is between the fitting and the pipe is angled on one side and as they get...
  5. Paul J Burkhardt

    New acid neutralizer, high pH

    I believe the high pH is due to the Flomag. I use straight calcite in a standard 1054 tank to raise pH from about 6.0 to averaging around 7.0 as long as the calcite level is enough for the water to have enough contact time (exposure to the calcite). Calcite can continue to raise pH above 7.0...
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