Recent content by Magicalpig

  1. Magicalpig

    Oversized gas exhaust flue for boiler and water heater

    I've been reading up on this a lot lately, and my interpretation of the code is that it is allowed because both are category I appliances. The power vented boiler does not create positive pressure in the flue. There's a good write-up on the situation here...
  2. Magicalpig

    Oversized gas exhaust flue for boiler and water heater

    So, hj, you don't recommend putting them on the same vent even if done to code?
  3. Magicalpig

    Oversized gas exhaust flue for boiler and water heater

    I'm looking for some opinions concerning size requirements of a flue service an atmospherically vented water heater and a fan-assisted boiler. I tried to have the flue certified while applying for a permit to replace my water heater and the chimney company would not give me the certification...
  4. Magicalpig

    Cut pipe behind backflow preventer?

    I understand if you can't give me a definitive answer. There's a chance I'll have to drain the boiler out anyway if I end up changing a kickspace heater to use monoflow tees, depending on how people respond to another thread of mine. Thanks, all.
  5. Magicalpig

    Cut pipe behind backflow preventer?

    It is a Dunkirk XEB boiler with enclosed cast iron heat exchangers. Think I'll be alright then?
  6. Magicalpig

    Cut pipe behind backflow preventer?

    it's a Watts 9D-M3 and I don't have any shutoffs downstream of it. It's on a pipe that connects the boiler to my water heater's hot output. I need to add some height to this pipe because I'm changing my short water heater for a tall one.
  7. Magicalpig

    Cut pipe behind backflow preventer?

    I have to make some changes on the hot water pipe going from my water heater into my boiler. In the interest of not having to empty the boiler, I'm wondering if I can cut the pipe somewhere behind the backflow preventer that's between the two appliances. Will the backflow preventer keep all the...
  8. Magicalpig

    Hydronic kickspace / toekick plumbed in-series with no tees at all

    I have a 3/4" hydronic heating system and a plumber installed a kickspace heater in-line, without using any sort of tees. The heater is one of the Beacon Morris ones that has 1/2" connections. I've read on this forum that this will cause an undesirable pressure drop, but I'm wondering why...
  9. Magicalpig

    Questionable rough-in diagram

    I'll be sure to read all relevant code on that, thanks. By the way, the kitchen sink, before I moved it, was already vented through this shower drain. It was just positioned on the other side of the drain! I hardly lived in the house 2 weeks before gutting the entire kitchen, so I never got...
  10. Magicalpig

    Questionable rough-in diagram

    Yes, I see what you mean. I think a new vent will be inevitable; and it shouldn't be that hard. I will run the drain straight down and tap into the drain stack below and then pull a new vent through the roof. I wont have to back vent with the upstairs bathroom as shown in my diagram since there...
  11. Magicalpig

    Questionable rough-in diagram

    I posted this to the remodeling group today, since I AM remodeling, but I think it's more of a rough-in question and I didn't get any answers there. Sorry for the repost
  12. Magicalpig

    heat rising to second floor in 2 zone hydronic system

    Hi everyone, In my home, which uses a 2-zone hydronic heating system, I've found that in my costly efforts to get the downstairs floor heated to a decently comfortable temperature during the day, the second floor is heated well above 70 degrees, even though only the first floor circulator is...
  13. Magicalpig

    Tee height for kitchen sink

    stud shoe I'm not in any position to know, but I'm really surprised to learn how common & accepted it is to bore such large holes in exterior wall studs. Pipe for a kitchen sink drain should be 1 1/2" which equates to a 2" outer diameter? is that right? if you make the hole have diameter 2...
  14. Magicalpig

    Tee height for kitchen sink

    excellent thanks a lot everyone
  15. Magicalpig

    Tee height for kitchen sink

    studs Any comments about running through the studs?
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