Recent content by DontHoldYaBreath

  1. DontHoldYaBreath

    Pump recently has lower pressure gain.

    Not familiar with the venturi (jet), looking at a diagram its basically the tri-connector between the water tank, pump and water main line?
  2. DontHoldYaBreath

    Pump recently has lower pressure gain.

    House pump, supplies all the water for the house, and a bit for sprinklers (not recently though).
  3. DontHoldYaBreath

    Pump recently has lower pressure gain.

    Hey all, this is my first post, and I'm doing this on behalf of my parents pump. They have had a refurbished, above ground, pump for about a year now, after their previous pump burned out. Now, the pump seems to constantly run when the air conditioning is on, and they are worried it is going...