Recent content by Cocos Nana

  1. Cocos Nana

    Sour smell on laundry

    Thanks everyone. Our water is city water and I have tried all of the above - no soap, different soap, no softener, not leaving them in the washer, etc. I have even thrown towels away and bought new ones only to wash them and have the smell. I bought a new washer and dryer a few years ago...
  2. Cocos Nana

    Sour smell on laundry

    Almost every load of laundry i do smells fine when it first comes out of the dryer, but after an hour or two it smells sour. I rewash almost every load of laundry only to get the same result. I've had the city sewer people come out and it's not anything to do with that. I am having water...