Recent content by amcgee2842

  1. amcgee2842

    What softener?

    Pelican is salt free correct? Because I want a salt water softener. Are you an seller and/or installer in Houston?
  2. amcgee2842

    What softener?

    What online store would you recommend? There are a bunch
  3. amcgee2842

    What softener?

    I have a 3 bath house with 15 grain hardness and .5 iron. My water bill states I use 8-10k gallons of water per month but that includes the sprinkler system that will not be run through the softener. I was looking at the below. Any advise would be appreciated. Also looking at maybe adding a...
  4. amcgee2842

    Where to buy water softener?

    What did you hear about affordablewater was about to purchase from them.
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